The wind finally quit blowing and the weather held,
if not at a comfortable temperature, at least at a bearable level long enough for the tree-cutting team to have success. The part of the tree that hit the ground was about 12 feet tall and we trimmed it to 8 feet. We got it into the house, into a tree stand, branches trimmed, and best side selected before my sister and brother-in-law went home. Ten minutes after they left, it fell over and spent the next three days as you see in the picture above, until the rest of the family arrived home.
With four extra pairs of hands, we managed to get the tree upright and leveled in no time at all. Getting it decorated wasn't quite as easy. Apparently in this age of iPods, cell phones and Wii, decorating an old
-fashioned, country-style Eastern Red Cedar tree is not very cool for a couple of city teenagers. But with cajoling from Opa and threats of no old-fashioned, country-style meals from Oma, the tree managed to get decorated.
So, with a few more little decorating touches here and there and hours of cooking, we ended up with a cheery and warm Christmas celebration with a small gathering of friends and family.
I hope that you all had as happy a Christmas as I did and that your New Year will be filled with even more happiness.